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  • Event date:
    March 2, 2025 at 12:25 pm
  • Event end:
    March 2, 2025 at 5:25 pm
  • Location Name
    Aquinas College - Alksnis Center
  • Address
    Grand Rapids, Kent County, Michigan, United States
  • Age Group
    Grades 3-8
  • Girls

Camp will consist of two hours of intense instruction in basic fundamentals of fastpitch softball. Participants will rotate to a new skill area during specified time slots. They will have the opportunity to learn, to ask, and to practice skills by participating in a variety of drills designed to teach all levels of athletes.

Additional Details:

Coaches and Parents attend for free! Please feel free to stay and watch.
Drills and instruction include hitting, fielding, baserunning and throwing.

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